Friday, July 14, 2006

May recap

5/4 - Last night I saw one hell of an awesome rock show at the Entry. And only one of the bands was local. Openers were Huge Rat Attacks. I was a lot more impressed with them than I thought I would be. I really liked the vocalist. Some of their songs were a bit long for my taste but stellar guitar work and catchy tunes. Second up was a band from New York called Diamond Nights. Very awesome Dolls style 70s era rock. They really got the audience involved as well getting everyone down on the floor appreciating all that is the Entry. Very energetic singer that had me thinking Freddy Mercury without the falsetto. Nice guy as well. Last up was the non stop rock of Priestess. You can check out some of their songs at I went to the show on recommendation of a couple of rockers that caught them at SXSW. I am now sad I've missed shows by them here in the past. They had a fantastic drummer and the guitars did not stop for just under an hour and a half. Wonderful majestic rock! I bought a tshirt and a shot glass. And yes the tshirt does have a skull. Its quite awesome I assure you.

5/7 - Sunday night I went to see a friends band play a fashion show at the Varsity theatre. The designer was one of the people in the band, and her line is called "Total Crap Unincorportated." And while some of the close were pretty much that, it aided in being one hell of an awesome night. I walked in and Skoal Kodiak was playing a very beat heavy rock band and there were ladies in tribal wear and paint, many topless, dancing all over the runway to some pretty cool music. Next up was my friends band Faggot, an interesting style of hardcore and rock. Lead singer was clad in a jock strap and a very puffy pink and purple bow and train set. Again more models strutting their stuff in a clothes this time a lot more fashionble, but still a little short in the top area. Lining the runway was different pillows and cushions and while my friends band played a massive pillow throw/fight began. It was a blast. Throwing pillows at people across the room and rocking out. Last up was the Demolition Dollrods from Detroit. I thought they were a really fun band, awesome female vocalist with a sound that was a mix of punk, garage and 70s dolls style. The one thing I couldn't get over though was the lack of drums. Yes there was a drummer with a simple set up of one bass and one snare. I thought the songs would have been a lot better with a full drum kit and a more complex drumline. Either way, I danced and had a great time. After the dollrods finished everyone at the show jumped up on stage and danced to "Shake It Up" twice. It was quite the disco ending and very very fun.

5/9 - Tuesday I went to on of the boards favorite bands, The Panty Huffers with the Abusers and Reverend Pokey Bunge @ Club Underground. RPB is a little more electronic/gothy/punk/rock. With a guitarist that dresses like an evil teletubby. Pretty fun. The other two I've posted about before.

5/10 - Wednesday I caught Drag the River at the Triple Rock. I'm sure RJ will be shocked at whats to come, maybe it was the night, the mood, the lack of crowd, and large mixture of alcohol but I just didn't get into the band as much as I thought I would. I thought the steel guitar was under used and for some reasons one of the singers reminded me too much of the Eagles. I kept imagining him breaking out into Peaceful Easy Living. The band definitely has some talent and knows what they're doing but they just didn't seem to into it. And I was really shocked at the lack of crowd for a Wednesday, but hey I guess that happens.

5/12 - Friday I saw Six Six Crush at an awful St. Paul bar called Noose. Ask Wolf about the name. They were opening for Impaler, only reason they were playing it. Six Six Crush ruled as always. Unfortunately my ride was in as crabby of a mood as possible so I didn't get to stay for Impaler.

5/13 - Last night I checked out a band called Harsh Reality which had members of the band All The Pretty Horses. Guitars weren't bad, drummer was awesome, but vocalist just kind of pissed me off. Kind of a let down. Decided not to stay for Dumpster Juice.

5/18 - Koalas w/bang bang and some weird comedy type guy at the Triple Rock
5/20 - Faggot with an awesome band (name will be found later) that consisted of an amazing drummer with two rockin violas.
5/21 - Stinking Lizaveta w/ Trailer Park Queen at the Triple Rock. STINKING LIZAVETA IS AMAZING. GO SEE THEM NOW!!!!
5/22 - Captured By Robots @ the Triple Rock. There were crazy robots, some of them monkeys of the clergy, there was a wedding. But the covers the band did were only funny for a few minutes.
5/26 - Chooglin' / Stnnng @ Triple Rock
5/27 - Marked Men, Birthday Suits, Mute Era @ Triple Rock
5/30- Calusa @ Club Underground

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